One of the most popular places in the rising global poker scene is South-East Asia, powered by booming gambling meccas in Macau, Hong Kong, China, the Philippines, Malaysia and even Indonesia. The increasing popularity of online poker in these countries has prompted the government to introduce some legislative amendments to strengthen its regulation procedures. This has resulted in an explosion of online poker businesses in those countries and has created a niche for itself in a region where previously there was none. In this article I would like to examine some of the regulatory changes in these areas, as well as potential business implications for poker websites based there.
In Indonesia there have been some concerns expressed by the Indonesian government about the impact of poker on the local casinos. However, those fears seem to have subsided somewhat with the increase in online poker sites operating in the country. Despite this, the government may consider steps to regulate online poker of gambling takes a large share of profits from the existing casinos, as it currently is in some parts of the country. If such measures are introduced it is highly unlikely they will lead to a sudden decline in online poker traffic in Indonesia.
The growth of online poker sites in Asia generally results in an increase in demand for more Poker88 games, both in terms of games to play and ways to play them. Given the relatively young age and limited social network experiences of many people here, many people remain unfamiliar with how to play and the dynamics of online poker rooms. While some players are drawn to the unique anonymity of online poker gaming, others may not be comfortable with the lack of communication and community features that many live poker rooms offer. This in part explains why the majority of online poker players in Asia tend to play at live poker rooms, rather than playing at online poker sites.
Online Indonesia is particularly popular among players from the Philippines and Malaysia, given the relatively small population here. The government has also approved a plan to open an Indonesian virtual poker site, which could significantly boost online poker traffic in the country. If the planned site launches in full force in Indonesia, it is likely to attract a significant number of players from these two countries alone. Indonesia could also join the Southeast Asian poker scene and set up its own virtual poker site. Such a move would represent a major opportunity for an online poker agent in Indonesia to expand their business by tapping a major player base in a relatively small country.
One aspect of any new online poker site in Indonesia that may attract players and interest from the United States is the no deposit option. A large proportion of poker players in the United States are used to playing games with fixed stakes, where they can only make deposits as they win. This means that most of the time they may play in hopes of winning big, but they may not have any intention of spending their money in the game. An online poker game in Indonesia could offer players the opportunity to play for free and yet still accumulate points and cash through successful wins, giving them the ability to make a deposit later if they wish to.
Indonesia is already home to some of the most successful online poker rooms in the world. Millions of people enjoy playing poker from their favorite location, and many of those players would love the chance to play in a more attractive environment. Buying an Indonesian resort property could be a great way to turn a profit, given that the cost of living in this part of the world is much lower than in other parts of Asia. Buying a live poker room rather than renting one makes sense, since the latter is much more profitable.