The world has evolved. A person can no longer find a respectable employer, put in hard work for the next 40 years, and anticipate having a comfortable retirement. Even more, those starting out in entry-level sales positions frequently switch employers in search of a paycheck that the conventional corporate model simply does not provide. To find out the Best Paying Jobs In America, click here
As times change, strategies must also adapt, which is why this article is important.
How to locate a sales position that pays $100k annually.
1. Make an evaluation of who you are. Do you possess the traits required to work in sales and make a six-figure salary? Are you knowledgeable about successful sales tactics, or are you merely "taking it as it comes"? Strategic planning skills are important for successful salespeople. Salespeople who are successful have a plan in place before they act, and they carry it out.
2. Develop a strategy for lead generation. Cold calling is no longer acceptable. Successful salespeople of today make "warm calls" rather than cold calls. The majority of their time is spent in face-to-face or in-person meetings with qualified, interested prospects. In Arizona, I once worked for a company where the top salesperson made $20,000 per month while only putting in 30 hours per week. The same company also employed salespeople who made less than $1,000 per month while putting in 50 hours per week. The distinction? A friendly call.
3. Produce a tactical action plan. You must be crystal clear about your goals for your sales career, as well as your strategy for achieving them. You must understand the decision-makers for your product, their demographics, communication strategies, and areas of interest. If you want to be a salesperson who earns more than $100,000 per year, you must have a clear, step-by-step vision of every phase of your career.
4. Prepare yourself for the interview. Salespeople who are successful can sell themselves. Sales managers will hire you for the majority of positions right away if you walk into an interview confident, dressed professionally, and ready for the toughest questions. I've interviewed candidates countless times who wanted sales jobs paying over $100,000 but who weren't even ready for the interview.
5. Develop a plan of action to ensure that you are the one interviewed. Selling a service is similar to getting a good job as a salesperson. You must plan your marketing strategy, schedule meetings, give presentations, and conduct follow-up. You'll succeed if you approach finding a job as you would selling your product. Additionally, you will be in a better position to choose the business that is best for you if you have a larger pool of potential employers.
Considerations on the state of the global economy and how your sales career will be impacted by it:
These are altering times, as I previously stated. Today, India has more students in the top 1% of their class with IQs above 120 than all of North America's students combined. Again, read that.