The Blue card provides flexibility and freedom that you might not find in other major credit cards. You can pay off your Blue credit card balance in full each month or over a more extended period, depending on how you manage your finances. In addition, the Blue card has no annual fee and a 0% APR for the first 15 months, three months longer than most reward credit cards. There is also a 20-day grace period to defer monthly interest fees, and you will receive free additional credit cards for family and friends. To know about Amex Trs Company Inc, click here
The credit card comes with a free rewards program. Following your registration, you will receive 1 point for nearly every Blue card purchase you make. Whether you buy ice cream or plane tickets, you will accumulate points that can be redeemed for retail products, entertainment, travel, and much more. In addition, when you transfer balances from other credit cards with higher interest rates to your American Express Blue card, you get a low fixed rate of 4.99% until the balance is paid off, and there is no balance transfer fee. This Blue card feature has the potential to save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.
You can access the most recent billing information online, including transactions, charges, and payments. You also get Express Pay, a payment technology that allows you to make purchases without swiping your Blue card. Instead, after making a purchase, hold the card up to the payment reader near the register, and that's it. You are not required to sign anything, and a receipt is optional. There are thousands of Express Pay readers nationwide, making it simple to make purchases quickly and easily.
Discover even more fantastic features of the American Express Blue card. The Blue card provides excellent fraud protection both online and offline. Under any circumstances, you will not be held liable for any unauthorized charges. An online year-end summary gives you access to important information about your credit card account 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can print the outline, separate charges by date, merchant name, and charge amount, and review orders made within a category by downloading it. A resume is a fantastic tool for tax preparation and budgeting.
Do you wish for more? How about 24/7 customer service and a 90-day return policy? If a merchant does not accept a specified item back within 90 days, American Express will refund the purchase price up to $300 per item and a maximum of $1000 per credit card account per year. You will also receive buying assurance, allowing you to shop confidently because the original product warranty will be matched for an additional year on warranties of 5 years or less. There's also the Purchase Protection Plan, which covers eligible purchases made with the Blue card against accidental damage and theft for 90 days after you buy it. When you use your card for car rentals, you will receive car rental loss and damage insurance, Emergency Card Replacement, Travel Accident Insurance, and the Global Assist Hotline, which will assist you with medical, legal, financial, or other emergency assistance if you travel more than 100 miles from home.
The American Express Blue card is an excellent financial companion for everyday credit card use. Reading the previously mentioned benefits and features reveals its adaptability as a credit card. It is a credit card that easily complements your financial portfolio and provides more of what a great credit card can provide.