The Real Danger Of EMP Attacks




Imagine an invisible force which can cause destruction to all electronic devices including laptops and smartphones. It's like something straight from sci-fi films. However, it's actually real; it's known as an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or transient electromagnetic disturbance (TED). It's also used to damage any electronic device that is within a radius of hundreds of miles. Let's discuss EMP attacks and how you can protect your precious electronics against this danger.

What exactly is an EMP?

A pulse of electromagnetic energy is a rapid, sudden burst in high-energy electromagnetic radiation such as microwaves, radio waves, the gamma-rays and X-rays. It's usually caused by an increase or surge of charged electrical particles (usually electrons). High-energy radiation can cause malfunctions and total failure of electrical devices.

The radiation frequency is the determining factor for which kinds of electronics are EMP Attack Threat. High-frequency EMPs disrupt smaller devices and low-frequency EMPs interfere with huge electrical infrastructures, like power grids. EMPs can damage any circuit they touch, large or small due to their vast frequency range.

An EMP radiates wirelessly from the source, much like light propagates. But unlike light, EMPs are not visible and carry way more energy. EMP attacks can occur naturally from weather and cosmic events, or they can be intentionally caused by the use of artificial weapons.


Natural EMPs

Natural EMPs are typically caused through lightning strikes or solar radiation. Lightning bolts are an electrical discharge with the millions of volts, enough to send a destructive explosion of charged particles into electrical wires and devices.

Solar flares are massive explosions which occur from time time on the sun's surface. Coronal mass ejections that release large clouds of charged particles into the atmosphere, are typically linked to solar flares. A flare directed directly at the Earth could trigger massive explosions of charged particles that hit the Earth within minutes. They may also damage electrical infrastructures , which is called a geomagnetic storm. It's happened numerous times before.

Also, distant astronomical bodies and other cosmic events like supernovas, gamma-ray explosions, and black holes flood the universe with cosmic rays that are high-energy. Some of these rays can travel to Earth, interact with the molecules in the atmosphere, and finally drop charged particles with high energy down to the ground. Although this radiation isn't enough to harm electronics, it could cause unexpected computer glitches called bit flips.

Should you worry about EMP attacks?

EMPs could pose a threat for electrical systems, therefore it is crucial to respond "yes". The US government acknowledges the risk of EMP Attack Threat posing an imminent threat to national security. In the year 2019, President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order calling for the Department of Defense, Homeland Security and other federal agencies to work together to ensure that the nation is resilient to electromagnetic pulses.

Natural EMPs, which may be caused by unplanned attacks, are far more common than deliberate ones. The worst part is that natural EMPs resulting from cosmic radiation, solar flares and lightning storms can be indiscriminate and unpredictable.

We've witnessed how one charged particle can affect the results of an election. Additionally many tests on weapons have clearly demonstrated the destructive capabilities of malicious EMP Attack Threat. The attacks can happen in any time without warning. EMPs are a real threat that should be protected.

How can you protect yourself from EMP attacks

Are you in a position to safeguard your devices' electrical components from an invisible, powerful EMP attack? It is feasible, and extremely simple. As an individual, there's nothing you can do to prevent an EMP from destroying the mains power grid. But you can shield all electronics connected to the mains by installing sensitive surge and transient current cut-offs or suppressors.

In addition, you can secure portable devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones while moving by putting them in a faraday bag. The bag is that is designed to block and neutralize all electromagnetic signals coming in. It functions the same as a faraday enclosure, to stop magnetic and electrical interferences from entering or out of the bag.