There Are A Variety Of Ways To Treat Chronic Back Pain That Is Not Surgical


chronic pain


Chronic back pain can be defined as an ongoing condition lasting for a period of three months or more. It may be temporary or long-lasting, sometimes bringing relief but leading to frustration. Being a patient of chronic back pain can be especially trying even if you're not sure of the root cause.

A specialist in rehabilitation for back pain, offers insights into common chronic back pain causes and nonsurgical treatment options and recommends not giving up the possibility of recovery.

Back pain and chronic back pain The most common causes are

The majority of back pains are age-related, but can also be the result of a previous injury. The most frequent causes:

The gradual thinning of the cartilage of the spine

The spinal canal that may cause nerve pain

Disc problems, such as bulging or herniated discs

Myofascial pain syndrome The causes are unproven tenderness and muscles pain

In some cases it's hard to pinpoint the cause of chronic back discomfort. If your physician has exhausted all diagnostic options, it's time to seek a second opinion from a back specialist. It is not advisable to rush to make decisions or go through lengthy medical procedures before you know the cause of your pain is identified. You can get more details on pain by visiting Pain Management site.




Your best option is to talk to your physician if the cause of your pain isn't understood or cannot be treated.

Nonsurgical Treatments for Back Pain

Physical Therapy

Exercise is the primary ingredient in chronic back pain treatment. It's among the first remedies you should test under the supervision of your physician and spine physical therapist. However, the exact exercise routine doesn't suit everyone, says Nava. The exercises have to be tailored to your specific symptoms and condition. The practice of keeping it at home is an important aspect of your success.

Physical therapy for back pain can include:

Practice your posture

The limitations of pain tolerance

Stretching and flexibility exercises

Aerobic exercise

Strengthening the core

Mindfulness and meditation

Chronic back pain can cause both physical and emotional strain. To handle the anger, irritability, depression and other psychological aspects of dealing with chronic pain, you could get an appointment with a rehabilitation psychologist. The expert may recommend yoga, meditation, tai-chi, as well as other techniques for relaxation to keep your mind away from pain.


Certain diets can be very inflamatory, particularly those that are high in trans fats and refined sugars. Discuss with your physician to determine if your eating habits might be contributing to your chronic back pain and what you can alter it. Maintaining a healthy weight could assist in lessening your back pain by reducing pressure on your spine.

Lifestyle Modifications

If you're suffering from chronic pain, it's essential to acknowledge your limitations and adjust. "Listen to your body and be able to pace yourself," suggests Nava. Pause when you are mowing the lawn, or take several trips while carrying grocery items. Take note of the actions that cause pain and avoid them if possible. It will not just make your back more comfortable, but could also prevent the condition that is causing it from becoming worse. You should also stop smoking. Nicotine has been scientifically proven to cause pain and delays in healing.

Injection-based Treatments

Nerve blocks, epidural steroid injections Nerve ablations, epidural steroid injections and other types of injection-based treatments are offered to treat chronic back pain. These procedures are beneficial when the reason for the pain is identified. They are also used to rule out other reasons. While injections may temporarily relieve or alleviate the pain, they're not meant to be relied upon as long-term solutions.

Alternative Treatments

Back pain that is chronic can be treated with nonsurgical treatments such as massage biofeedback, laser therapy, electro nerve stimulation, and acupuncture. Talk to your spine specialist regarding alternative treatments that might be beneficial to you.

Pharmacologic Treatments

Chronic back pain can be treated using analgesics , anti-inflammatory medications as well as relaxation drugs. But, they can cause unwanted side effects and are not intended for prolonged use.