Growing Plants From Seeds Step-By-Step



You might want to plant plants from seeds to save cash. This is definitely less costly than buying transplants. It will also be easier to obtain seeds of different varieties not typically sold as transplants. No matter the reason, starting the seeds of plants is not a hard as you imagine. Plants that grow from seed to mature is among gardening's most rewarding endeavors.

Here are the basic information in 10 steps.

Pick a jar

Seed-starting containers must be clean, at least two inches deep and have drainage holes. Pots made of plastic or cell packs, as well as plastic flats as well as peat pots and yogurt cups. There are many options, provided they are clean. You can also purchase seed-starting kits, but do not invest too much cash until you're certain that you'll start seeds every year. If you begin flower seeds in small containers or plastic flats you'll have to move seeds into pots that are slightly larger after they've developed their first set of true leaves. Remember that flats and pots can take up space and space, so ensure you have enough sunny space for the seedlings that you start.

Quality soil is the best foundation.

Sow seeds in sterile, seed-starting mix or the potting soil sold in nurseries and garden centers. Don't use garden soil, it's heavy and contains weeds seeds, and possibly, disease organisms. Make sure to soak the soil in warm water prior to filling seed-starting containers.

Plant at the proper depth

The seed packet will indicate the correct planting depth. The standard practice is to cover the seeds with soil that is three times their thickness. But it is essential to read the packet's instructions for planting. Certain seeds, like snapdragons and lettuces, require light for germination. They should be placed on the surface of the soil, but in good contact with moist soil. After sowing, you can aid by gently tamping the soil. Spray bottles can be used to re-wet the soil after you've sow your seeds.

Water carefully

Always use water that is room temperature. Let chlorinated water sit over night so that chlorine dissipates or you can use the water that is distilled. Avoid softened water. It is important to ensure that the soil is moist, but not to drown the soil. This could spread disease and cause death to seeds. Avoid splashing water onto leaves. This is a good idea, and also overwatering. The containers should be submerged in water until the soil is able to absorb moisture. Some seed-starting kits come with a wicking pad that conducts water from the reservoir to the soil.




Preserve regular moisture

Before the germination process, cover your container to help trap moisture inside. Most kits for seed starting include a plastic cover. It is also possible to use a plastic bag, however, it must be supported so it doesn't lay in a flat surface on the ground. As soon as the seedlings sprout, remove covers. After seedlings are sprouting reduce watering until the that the soil is dry but don't let them wilt.

Make sure the soil is warm

In order to germinate seeds to germinate, they require warm soil. In colder soils, it can cause them to germinate slowly or not at all. The majority of seeds germinate at 78°F. Waterproof heating mats are specifically designed for germinating seeds. They keep the soil at an even temperature. They can be found at many garden centers and nurseries. Or, you can put seed trays on top of refrigerators or other warm appliance until coleus seeds sprouts. The temperature of the air should not drop below 70 degrees F following germination. Seedlings can tolerate temperatures to 50degF, as long as soil temperature remains 65-70degF.


After they've developed the second set of seeds, it is time to begin feeding them with a liquid fertilizer at half strength. Apply it with care so that seedlings don't become dislodged from the soil. Apply full strength liquid fertilizer every two weeks up to the time of transplanting.

Provide seedlings with enough lighting

Not enough light leads to large, slender seedlings that will struggle once transplanted outdoors. Seedlings that are large and sturdy can be planted in bright, south-facing windows in warm winter climates. In the winter months windows that face south may not be sufficient to provide enough light for the ones further north. Seedlings should have between 14-16 hours of direct light per day to ensure that they grow healthy. Seedlings that start to slant towards the windows could indicate that they're not getting enough light.

Inhale the air.

The circulation of air can prevent disease and promotes the growth of strong stems. To encourage air circulation you can run a fan close to the seedlings. Keep the fan away from the plant seeds to prevent blasting them directly.

Harden off seedlings just before hair transplanting outdoors

Before you move your seedlings outdoors, they must be adjusted to the harsher environment.