Five Things To Know Before You Go To The Hair Salon


beauty salon


Walking blindly into the hair salon to make an appointment is a risk that not to make because a haircut or shade that you're not attracted to can impact your mood in a profound way. In general, we know what we would like our hair to look like prior to our appointments. However, sometimes what seems like a good idea in our heads isn't always the best idea in real life.

Because we are committed to our clients' happiness and satisfaction, we don't want clients to leave our salon dissatisfied about their hair. We want to ensure you have a hair salon Koreatown Los Angeles session is pleasant and you leave with the hair that you want. Here are 5 tips to help you make your appointment at Clique Organic Salons.

Take a look at your life outside of hair salon

When scheduling an appointment for hair It is crucial to think about your schedule. There may be a hectic schedule which makes it hard to schedule time for your hair outside of your salon. A hairstyle that requires less effort and is more relaxed may be your ideal choice. If this sounds like you want to change your hairstyle, think about one that's easy to maintain, and select a hairstyle that can still look amazing from just an easy hair wash. Hairstyles that typically need a lot of maintenance are bangs and layers because they need to be trimmed periodically to stay looking fresh.

Find out your face's form and hair texture

There are hairstyles to suit all types of faces. Once you determine the face shape you have, you may gain more insight into what particular styles flatter you the most. The jawline is the most reliable method of determining your face shape. It is possible to change the style you prefer, even if it doesn't match your face shape. These are just general guidelines to keep in mind but they don't need to be followed if your heart set on a specific hairstyle. What matters is that you're happy with how your hair appears.

Understanding your hair's texture is essential prior to heading to the beauty salon Los Angeles, because it will play a major role in the style you want. It's crucial to be realistic about what styles your hair is able to handle. For example, if you have super curly hair, some styles might not look as good on you as they would with those with extremely straight hair.

There are numerous beautiful hairstyles for every hair type. In some cases, all you need to do is make a few adjustments to make it work for your hair. This is something our team can take on! Remember to be real with your expectations, and attempt to find inspiration for your hair from people who have the same texture as you.




Contact Us For A Consultation Hair Salon Pros

If you're still unsure about what hairstyle will look best for you, don't hesitate to consult with the pros, aka our team here at Clique Organic Salons! A consultation at our salon can give you a better understanding about the texture of your hair as well as facial shape. Additionally, you'll receive helpful guidance from our stylists on the most suitable hairstyles for you. Bring along some photos of hairstyles you would love to test. This will give your stylist an idea of the style you are looking for.

Consultations are an opportunity to ask questions and clear up any doubts that you have. If you want to determine if the style is appropriate for you, inquire about its maintenance. Ask about terms that you are having difficulty understanding. For example, if you're not entirely sure what a balayage haircut is, this is the time to find out! It is essential to are fully aware of the hairstyles that you are asking your stylist to design. If not, you may be disappointed by your final appearance.

Be ready for a brand new style

It's a major commitment to change the length of your hair, or even its shade. If you're going to the salon for a routine trim, that's less of a commitment because you already have a hairstyle you like and can maintain. If, however, you've just booked an appointment to change the entire style and look of your hair be certain you're prepared for the transformation.

You shouldn't just alter your hair on the fly. It is a process that you have planned that you are happy with. While we're happy to embark on this journey with you of changing your hair completely when something else drastically changes within your daily routine, we advise you to truly take your time and think about this choice.

Be honest about your hair's history

Your stylist will be asking questions regarding your hair whenever you go to the Korean hair salon. It's crucial to discuss with your stylist the products you have used previously and what products are currently in use. If you have used chemical straighteners or boxed-style dye previously, it is important to inform your stylist. This could affect what your stylist will apply to your hair.

We don't judge our clients according to the hair products they apply, so don't feel afraid to really open up to us! The reason we ask these questions is because depending on the products you are using on your hair at home we may need to modify what products we use during your appointment to avoid any issues.