An Easy Guide To Cauda Equina Syndrome

cauda equina syndrome


There is a possibility that you are suffering from leg pain or bladder and weakness, along with the sensation of numbness. This is a serious condition which can cause permanent damage, which could include paralysis.


This condition usually occurs in the lower spine and affects a bundle of nerve roots called the cauda equina. It could be caused by a herniated disc, tumor, infection, or any other issue.


The lower back is home to a group of nerves called cauda equina (which means "horse's tail" in Latin). These nerves control movement and sensation in the legs, bladder and pelvic organs.

They send signals to the brain concerning temperature, pain, as well as vibration. If the nerves become severely compressed, they can no longer function properly.

If not treated promptly, CES can cause permanent injury to the legs and pelvis. This could result in the loss of sexual dysfunction, bowel function as well as bladder and bowel function.

First, consult your physician. The doctor will review your medical history in consideration, take an exam of the body and will order a variety of diagnostic tests.


The cauda equina, or is a latin word that means horse's tail in Latin is a set of nerve roots that sits on the bottom of your spinal cord. These nerves send messages to your feet, legs and pelvic organs, helping to move and feel the sensations in your lower body.

These nerves may become compressed , causing problems in your bladder, bowels, or even your legs. These signs are a sign of serious medical conditions known as cauda equina syndrome claim.

The symptoms you experience and a physical examination will help determine if you have CES. The doctor may also perform a rectal examination to check the anal muscles of your body and determine how they feel when you pass urine.





If you suspect you may have CES then you must immediately visit an emergency room or hospital. Early diagnosis and treatment could prevent permanent damage, like paralysis, from occurring.


Treatment that relieves pressure and helps nerves heal is usually the most effective treatment for cauda-equina. If it's left untreated, it can cause irreparable damage, such as paralysis.

The procedure of spinal decompression is the most popular treatment for cauda-equina disorder. It relieves pressure on the spine and creates spaces for the nerves. During this procedure, your neurosurgeon will make an incision through your back, at the location of compression in order to identify and remove herniated discs, bone fragments, or tumors that might be pressing on nerve roots.

It is possible that you will require medication to ease discomfort and swelling. If the pressure is due to an unidentified tumor, your physician may suggest chemotherapy or radiation. While you're there, you'll need to visit your doctor regularly to make sure the situation doesn't get worse.


Beware of straining your spine or back to the point that could lead to a herniated disk is the most effective method to prevent the cauda-equina condition. This includes bending your knees, lifting objects that weigh a lot and bending your waist when working.

A herniated disc happens when the gel-like core of the disc in the spine extends out of an infected area of the disk. Most often, this happens in the lower lumbar spine (L4 or L5-S1).

In certain cases the disc may press against the cauda equina and result in symptoms such as numbness, weakness, and loss of bladder or bowel function. The symptoms can be severe so it is crucial to seek immediate treatment if you notice these symptoms.

This can be done earlier to relieve pressure on nerve roots that is causing these symptoms. This can increase the chance of the bladder and bowel functioning returning.