Pumpkin - the donkey with a personality


First time she was sick after eating carrots which was our fault because we were buying her too many of them what we discovered too late: Colic. Next time her problem was infection in her leg: Abscess. She was always late with her hoof care. They were overgrown, and she could barely walk on them.

Pumpkin was laying down on the ground in intense pain, she couldn't stand up without falling down, weather was bad, cold December 2001, and no shelter... A veterinarian was finally called on my request after 10 days because abscess didn't drain naturally at coronary band and reached her knee, requiring draining by inserted tube which is not common procedure. After I was told that they had a medical situation in their family and couldn't afford it, I offered to pay for the whole procedure and follow up charges that included X-rays and vet's visits.

It was my Christmas gift for Pumpkin. Maybe little one, from my point of view, but the best and necessary for her well being. The treatment she badly needed! It took her about three month to fully recover in the shelter of a former equine hospital where her owner worked. And, of course, we continued our daily visits to hear Pumpkin's happy braying...




My mom and bunch of carrots


With Love