God's Time Pentecoastal Ministries - The authorized preachings

God's Time Pentecoastal Ministries

The authorized preachings

June 2022 (German)

Die Farben Gottes

von Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt
Es ist unserer Zeit sehr in Mode gekommen, von Vielfalt zu Reden un das mit einer Vielzahl von Farben zu vergleichen. Wir wollen uns deshalb die Frage stellen,ob Gott auch Farben hat. Das ist nat�rlich der Fall,auch wenn wir in einer kurzen Predigt nicht alles aufzaehlen k�nnen. Vor allem ist Gott Rot.Rot steht dabei fuer die Liebe Gottes.Der Evangelist Johannes betont in 1.Johannes 4,8 dass Gott die Liebe ist. Es ist deshalb nicht sinnvoll,eine Beziehung zu Gott abzulehnen oder Gott nicht kennen zu wollen,weil dieser aufgrund seiner Groesse und Allmacht eine besonders starke Form von Liebe zu bieten hat.Gott ist auch gruen.Wir wollen diese Farbe als Sinnbild f�r seine Guete nehmen.Seine Guete wird offenbar durch die vielfaeltigen Arten von Segnungen,die er geben kann und welche von der Bibel beschrieben werden.Vor allem bedeutet Guete aber auch,dass er oft nicht einfach kurzen Prozess mit uns macht,wenn wir fehlen,also suendigen,sondern uns dann durch Zurechtweisung noch eine Chance gibt,wenn wir fehlen.Die Bibel drueckt das treffend in Jeremia 30,11 aus.Schlie�lich ist Gott auch blau und wir wollen dies f�r die friedenstiftende Natur Gottes nehmen.Dass Gott bereit und in der Lage ist Frieden zu stiften,sehen wir in Sprueche 16,7.Wenn wir uns als Kinder Gottes verstehen,m�ssen wir alle diese 3 Eigenschaften widerspiegeln.

July 2022

When it is not the same
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt
When left-wing governments opened the US and Europe for non-christian immigrants,the main reason for the politicians to allow those intruders to enter the Western Countries was that they are praying to the same god as the Christians.Alas,the Evangelist John argues in 1. John.4,2-3 that anybody that does not confess Jesus as the Son.of God that came in the shape of men is posessed by an evil spirit that does not confirm to the Holy Spirlt.Therefore,allowing such people to enter the Western Countries is equivalent to importing evil-doers with an evil spirit that is not conducive for the Christians in the affected Western Countries.Moreover,Jesus states clearly in John 14,6 that not believing in Jesus AS the son of God blocks both our way to.a relationship with god and our way to eternal life.This is clearly confirmed by bis apostles in Acts of Apostles 4,12 when they point out that all salvation,especially our positive relationship with god and our access to eternal life depends on our faith in Jesus.Therefore allowing these people with evil spirit to enter the Western Countries is equivalent to allowing them to spread a wrong doctrine about getting eternal life and getting a positive relationsship with god,thus endangering the access to eternal life and the positive relationsship of the Christians to god in these countries.Thus,the faith of these people is not the same as the faith of the Christians,but destructive,endangering access to eternal life and access to a positive relationship to god for men.

August 2022

The restauration of God
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

God and his son Jesus Christ can bring restauration in our lives.We see this,when,after many years of sickness,Jesus heals a woman who is bent down so that she can walk upright again. They,and this is the primary kind of deliverance that Jesus gives us,can also forgive our sins and make us merry again,as we see in the example of Zacchaeus in Luke 19,because we do not have to fear any reproach for our sins after this forgiveness again. Finally,when important things have been lost or diminished,as the presence of the Holy Spirit in Europe promised in Zecheraiah 6,8,God can restore this presence of the Holy Spirit by bringing a refreshment of this spirit in the lives of people.

September 2022

Prayer points
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt
Pray along with me according to the following prayer points :
- Pray against further islamic immigration into Europe and the US.According to Zechariah 6,8,God has sent bis Holy Spiri into Northern Countries,Europe and US,so that it will rest there.According to 1.John 4,2-3,the people denying that Jesus has come in the flesh as the son of God,have an unclean spirit that is contrary to the Holy Spirit.Thus,allowing islamic people to immigrate into the US and Europe enables them to impose their unclean spirit upon the Christians living their destroying their faith in Jesus and thus the residence of the Holy Spirit.
- Pray against further expansion of feminism in the US and Europe.According to the story of Jezebel in the Book of Kings,that has its climax in 2.Kings 9,37.it is not from God that heathen women rule over christian men.But this is exactly what is happening in feminism.
- Pray against further ecological hype everywhere in the world.According to the very utterances of Jesus himself that are quoted in 1.Thessalonians 5,2,Jesus will come suprisingly.People seriously filled with the Holy Sprit,humble members of the pentecoastal movement,stress that the Holy Sprit announces the return of Jesus within one generation of men.Due to the near and suprising return of Jesus,it does not make sense to sacrifice economic wealth for ecological achievements thus promoting famine in the world,especially in the poor countries.

October 2022

Modesty is not a shame
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt
The bible is telling us,in 1.Timothy 6,8,to be modest.When Paul is telling us here,that it is enough when we have enough food and clothing,he means,regarding the climate in some countries,that we will also require proper accomodation,and then we have everything we need. Paul is telling us,two verses later,in 1.Timothy 6,10,what happens,if we cannot be modest : We are caught by greediness and that can be very bad for both ourselves and our fellow human beings.In order to enlighten us,that greediness has bad consequences,the bible is telling us the story of Annanias and Saphira in Acts of Apostles 5,1-11.In this story we see,that greediness can even cause loss of our lives.

November 2022

Drowned in the world
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt
In the last preaching,i said that love of money is evil.However,there are still other kinds of worldly behaviour that will make us to loose focus in life.Paul clearly states in Galatians 5,19-21 which kind of behaviour,even if we find it in ourselves,indicates that we are about to drown in the world,while loosing our soul.And then,we loose our soul,because being worldly minded and acting accordingly makes us to be enemies of God,as James states in James 4,1-10.And actually,there is only one way of overcoming the consequences of worldly thinking and acting and that is following Jesus.Because he himself has overcome the world,as he himself has stated in John 16,33.

December 2022

The silence of the living
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

When Isiah announced Jesus in Isiah 42,2-3,he pointed out that he will not be a loud saviour.Paul himself makes clear,in 1.Corinthians 13,1,that your substance in life does not come from noise but from love.And Jesus has a big love for us,as we see in John 15,13. Being the saviour,Jesus is even able to wake up the dead,as we see in John 11,when he brings back Lazarus to life.He can overcome our physical death by eternal life,as we see in John 11,25.And when he resurrects Lazarus,it is already an announcement of the eternal life he is giving us.With Jesus,Paul says it in 1.Corinthians 15,55-57,death does not have power over us.The life of Jesus tells us,that he can gives us life in its fullness,as he himself says in John 10,10 and that we do not need to be loud to enjoy the life he is giving to us.

January 2023

Safe in the hands of God
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

God wants us to be safe in his hands.For us to be safe in the hands of God,this is what Jesus is telling us in John 14,6,we have to resort to Jesus,and he will open our way to God Father father first. Jesus himself is telling us,in Matthew 23,37,that he wants to take care of us.And doing so,he mirrors the caring nature of God and enabled us to be safe in his hands by connecting us to him. Clearly,when Peter is warning us against the wiles of the devil in 1.Peter 5,8,we need to be kept safely in the hands of God,so that evil will not affect us.Jesus is telling us that he can accomplish this in John 16,33 by overcoming the world stressing again his role as mediator between men and and God Father.

February 2023

Do not cooperate with evil
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

Paul says,in 2.Corinthians 6,14-16, that light and darkness have nothing in common.Therefore,if we are children of God or only consider ourselves to be good persons,we must not cooperate with evil or evil persons. The suicide of Judas Iscariot,as depicted in Matthew 27,5,that he committed after betraying Jesus,convinces us that evil will not be rewarded. We must long to be filled with the Holy Spirit.Because he can tell us,when we sin, according to the words of Jesus in John 16,8.Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and being obedient to this voice will make us not to commit sin and not to be counted among the evil-doers.

March 2023

The power to save
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

God has the power to save.We can read this in 1.Samuel 14,6-7.In fact,the bible is reporting that he has saved many people already.We can find an example in Psalm 107,13.Likewise,Jesus,his son has the power to save.This is a resulti of his similiarity to his father.The bible states this similiarity in John 14,9-10.The bible shows the saving power of Jesus in many places,for example in Luke 5,1-6.In the end,his biggest power to save and this is why we call him the Saviour,is to give us eternal life by forgiveness of sins.The bible states this in John 10,28.This is,and Jesus is telling us this in Matthew 11,28,why we should take shelter under his wings.

April 2023

Turned into light
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

Are they true ? The rumors about our saviour that he was just a prophet,not the Son of God ? Surely not.He himself said,in John 12,24-25 that he will have to die to fulfill his mission. And Paul explains the mission of Jesus in Romans 6,23 : He has come to replace the reproach for sins of men by eternal life.Jesus himself promises us that he will give us this eternal life in John 10,28.The key for the replacement of our reproach for sins with eternal life is faith in Jesus,the Son of God,however,as Paul explains in Romans 5,22.The unleashing of power,when Jesus died on the cross and the confession of the Roman soldier that Jesus is the son of God in Mark 15,37-39 show us that Jesus died on the cross in fulfillment of his mission as the Son of God.He is not just a poor victim nailed on the cross by the Romans,but the Son of God who has undergone a voluntarily sacrifice.And his resurrection that was testified by many people,as stated in 1.Corinthians 15,6,gives us evidence that,as the Son of God,he was not only able to overcome his own death,but he has also the power to turn our sins into eternal life.Having accomplished this great,eternal sacrifice, humiliating himself on the cross,God Father has put him in the most high place,making him God himself,as we see in Phillipians 2,6-11.Being ready for this sacrifice,although God himself has made him to be turned into light for us and now shining as eternal light as we see in John 8,12.

May 2023

Do not profane the people of God
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

it is good,sound doctrine in the Pentecostal churches that the people of God are made up of two groups of persons.Originally,only the people of Israel are considered the people of God with their calling being confirmed in Jeremiah 7,23.Since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,the expression people of God denotes also everybody who believes in Jesus as the Son of God.Both the bible verses in John 1,12 and 1.Peter 2,9 testify of this notion.Jesus himself has made it clear,in Matthew 15,21-28,that the spiritual and material blessings of God are primarily for these two groups of humans constituting the people of God. Likewise,not heeding this priority,says Jesus in Matthew 7,6,would result in wasting these blessings. Since more than a half decade now,humanistic politicians in Europe and the US have granted non-christians access to western wealth,with arabic immigrants conveying a new,big wave of anti-semitism to Europe and the USA. Moreover, both the economic and the social interests of the native,christian inhabitants of Europe and the US have been severely damaged by the economic and social jerrycan politics of exactly these politicians favouring religious strangemen among the new citizens.Therefore,Jews and Christians in both the US and Europe are called to stop this embarrassing, humanistic politics profaning the people of God on their way to the polling urn,with all means of democratic and lawful behaviour.

June 2023

The beast and its number
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

In the last preaching,we have duly studied the consequences of politicians allowing heathen,i.e. people not confessing Jesus to be the son of God that became man,to immigrate into the area of the US and Europe.Christians and Jews will find themselves,in their own home countries,to be involved in a struggle for economic and social welfare.This is why God puts a strong veto against the immigration of such people into the US and Europe,namely by the bible verses in Zechariah 6,8 and 1.John 4,2-3 with these people carrying a lot of heresy and blasphemy into the US and Europe.Because of this situation,where people of God suddenly find themselves under pressure by heathen,we can identify the politicians that allow this immigration to be the ignitors of the last battle between Good and Evil,titled as Harmageddon in Revelation 16,16. While this battle must be fought in a spiritual way,respecting the laws in Europe and US,the politicians causing this ignition can by no means be respected or even be honoured.Because of their unfortunate role as the ignitors of Harmageddon we can compare them with the beast in Revelation 13.Another fitting comparison would be to compare them with Haman,the persecutor of the Jews in the book of Esther,because this is what this politics is causing : A persecution of the Jews in the US and Europe.Already,the judicial and economic pressures described in Revelation 13,17 have been imposed on inhabitants of Europe and the US who do not want to conform to this politics and this is why we are absolutely confident that we can compare such politicians with the beast in Revelation 13.

July 2023

Free to serve
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

Jesus himself,in Matthew 28,16-20,has given his disciples the obligation to spread the gospel in all the world. Paul warns,in 1.Corinthians 9,16-17,that we must take this obligation serious.Paul says,in Romans 1,16 that we should not be ashamed of the gospel,both because it is precious and because he does not want us to get intimidated to spread the Gospel.Because of this,christians have gone into all the world to spread the gospel.And now we can and must link this to my last two preachings.If heathens are brought to Europe and the US spreading their heathen religions,just as the muslim people spread the Islam in these countries,we discover a new problem for the christians : Because their own people has been islamized,they have to reevangelize their own people. This adds to their work,because instead of carrying the gospel to abroad,they also have to respread the gospel in their own countries.Now we see the full nonsense of the heathen immigration into US and Europe favoured by some politicians: Not only are the social and economic interests of the Christians in the US and the Europe compromised,but the gospel in these countries is diminished and pushed back instead of being promoted,as demanded by Jesus.This means, heathen immigration into the US and the Europe must also be blocked to protect the gospel and so that christians are free to spread the gospel as demanded by the Great Commission.

August 2023

Confessing Jesus as the Son of God
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

Can we confess Jesus as the Son of God being more than just a simple prophet ? What will be our reward ? We first note that both John and Paul,in 1.John 4,2-3 and 1.Corinthians 12,3 warn us that,not being able to do this confession,indicates that we may be severly afflicted by an evil spirit.Obviously,it was easy for the disicples of Jesus many times to confess Jesus as the Son of God and Messiah,as we see in Matthew 16,16.And we should note that,sometimes,as we see in Mark 5,7,even the evil spirits were aware that Jesus is the Son of God,so why should we not ? The bible shows us,both in Luke 5,8 and Mark 15,39 that,at all times,it was easy to convince both the disciples of Jesus and the heathen that Jesus is the Messiah by the miracles following him.But we should not be forced to rely on such miracles before we can do such a confession.The cleanness of our spirit that is entailed by such a confession has an important consequence as we see in John 6,68-69 : It gives us eternal life,an asset that cannot be given to us by anybody else than Jesus.And it gives way to such miracles as the ones that we have just discussed.

September 2023

To chase away the dark clouds
by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

What can we do,when dark clouds are entering our lives ? We have to live a life that I focused on Christian values.Let me outline this in 3 points.First,we have to put spiritual things higher than material things.Jesus has outlined this in his best way in Mark 8,36.Especially,strife for money has made many people to sin and it is like this up to now. I had a series of 2 contiguous preachings not long time ago about this (1). Second,we must have a high esteem of human life.This does not only mean not to kill as demanded by the ten commandments in Exodus 20,but also agreement that human life is human life from the very time of the conception of a human.The best reason for this is the revelation of God to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1,5 that his life as well as every life is planned by God long time even before his conception.Refer to one of my books for an explanation of how God Father and his Son are the only source of life (2).Finally,we must mention the principle of love as the outstanding value in Christianity.It is precisely mentioned in Matthew 22,34-40 and we see that we need two types of love : Loving God and loving the fellow human being.While Jesus was emphasizing Charity,we have another problem today: Humanists are over-emphasizing charity and they forget that we have to love God.But we cannot love God without asking for his will and obeying it.Doing good to people according to human esteem,not asking for the will of God addresses the core snare that humanism is putting on people today.

Our topic this month:Value-orientated Christian life


  • (1)The official preachings of God's Time Pentecostal Ministries.The two preachings October and November 2022.
  • (2)Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt,Christology,Chapter 2.3
  • October 2023

    Fruits that last
    by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

    People strive for many goods.But the most precious gift to attain is the Holy Spirit because it connects us to God and its fruits that are mentioned in Galatians 5,22-23 last in our lives.While there are quite a number of fruits that the Holy Sprit yields,we want to focus on 3 in this short sermon : Peace,Patience and Love.The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with peace.We get peace and will be able to give other people peace. Before all,the fact that this peace lasts,comes from the assurance of salvation that we get,If we give our lives to Jesus.This salvation lasts unless we destroy it by intentional sinning or numerous sins.That is why Jesus,that gives us the Holy Spirit, is called the Prince of Peace (Psalm 72,7). Patience is necessary,because many of our fellow human beings are weak vessels,that, especially If they are not born again,have a tendency to overstrain our patience.Jesus demands this patience from us in the parable of the merciless loan-giver (Matthew 18,21-35).Love comes from the Holy Spirit and we must both love God and our fellow human beings.The bible states clearly that this love is a gift from God (Romans 5,5).

    November 2023

    Where else should we go to
    by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

    Peter,one of the most outstanding disciples of Jesus,clearly states in John 6,68 that there is no alternative for following Jesus as the Son of God.He also says why : There is no other way to get eternal life.And life on earth IS hard.Some people even think they can only manage it by crime and dishonesty,thus compromising eternal life by such behaviour.Paul warns his disciple Timothy in 1.Timothy 6,10 that leaving the way of following God by following Jesus as the Messiah will cause us to have a lot of pains.James,the Brother of Jesus,concludes in James 1,2-3 that we have to be patient and endure temptations not departing from the faith in Christ Jesus.The end of people not following the way of God or even persecuting the people of God,whether the persecuted ones are Jews or Christians, is clearly depicted in Acts of Apostles 12,23 : God will mark us out as transgressors and our end will be painful and terrible.

    December 2023

    When the dead ones do not return
    by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

    What is the clue about Christmas ? Is it the firs with the bright lights on top ? Is it the gifts,the ones that no one desired but which were bought ? Let us have a genuine approach to it. And let us look at Matthew 2,36-38.What made Hannah to be so enthusiastic about this boy Jesus ? And what did he came to redeem Israel from ? Why did Paul rejoice when he confirmed that death had been defeated in 1. Corinthians 15,55 ? Because God has made us to live and not to die but to even live forever. And because of this,God had to find a way to defeat death because of the power over man it has due to sin.And Jesus confirms,in John 11,25 that he is this way.He confirms that,If worst comes to worst,and we suffer physical death,we will live forever in the arms of God.If only we obey and follow him.

    January 2024

    The one who knows the past,knows the future
    by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

    Many times,a person that knows the past knows also the future.But such a person can only be a god.Let us take Jesus,the son of God and God himself.He knows all the past, because he says about himself,in John 8,58 that he was there ever since.On the other hand,the Bible points out,in John 5,21 that Jesus is just like God Father.And God Father knows the future as we see in Jeremiah 29,11.Therefore Jesus knows both all the past and the future being God himself.This is why, according to Paul in 1.Corinthians 15,12-19,we should not deny the resurrection of Jesus.Because,anyone who is God,can overcome death.

    February 2024

    Life is for living
    by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

    Jesus himself says,in John 11.25 that the very purpose of his coming on earth is to bring life despite of the presence of death.This life means, according to John 10.10,the fullness of life on earth,but also, according to John 10,28,the assurance of eternal life,the life after physical death.God has pointed out ever since,for example in Jeremiah 1.5,that it is his sovereign decision to both plan human life and bring it into existence.Therefore killing human is sin,as statet in the 10 commandments in Exodus 20,both human life found on earth already and the human life developing in the stomach of the mother after conception.Knowing that Jesus wants to give the fullness of life to the upcoming new human,the killing of such a human-to-be is a terrible sin.

    March 2024

    Nonstop nonsense
    by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

    There are many things that God hates.For us to be safe concerning eternal life,we have to know them.First of all god dislikes lascivity and promiscuity.Jesus gives a slight Insight of that in his talk to the woman at the well in John 4,7-30.Even in his slightest allusion,he makes us know that he does not like it. Secondly,God does not like idolatry or wizardry.In his Psalm 135,David contrasts the greatness of God with the uselessness of idols.Finally,God does not like theft.While this is clearly stated in the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20,there is something that he does not like in the same way and this is lie.Paul clearly states this explicitly in Colossians 3,9-17.

    April 2024

    Pray the night away
    by Proph. Ev. J. Schmidt

    Paul tells us to never stop praying in 1. Thessalonians 5:17.What are the reasons for it ? Firstly,we should do this,so that we will not fall into temptation.Jesus states this short time before he dies on the cross in Matthew 26,41.Secondly,Jesus says that,If we pray,God will surely give us a good thing,not a bad thing in Matthew 7,7-11. Finally,we see that praying gives us the Holy Spirit in Acts of Apostles 19,1-7.Though it is done here by Somebody praying for Others,we can also fill ourselves with the Holy Spirit by praying, especially If we ask for the Holy Spirit in prayer.Having the Holy Spirit is very useful as we see in the the list of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in 1.Corinthians 12.So,really,we can pray the night away in our life.