Explore the Tailwind Hidden Utility for Great Design Control

The Tailwind CSS visibility property offers precise control over element visible visibility. This

technical article delves into the “hidden” display utility class, examining its various aspects,

practical implementation, and best practices.

PureCode.ai can help your development team generate ready-to-use custom Tailwind


What is the Tailwind hidden CSS property display?

The “hidden” display utility class in Tailwind CSS is designed to control the visibility of HTML

elements. It allows for dynamic hiding or showing elements without resorting to custom CSS or

JavaScript. This utility class is essential for maintaining clean code.

Check out this video resource: Tailwind CSS Hidden display property.

Simple Implementation

The implementation of the “hidden” utility class is straightforward. To hide an element, apply the

class as shown below:

<div class="hidden">This content is hidden.</div>

The enclosed content will be hidden, maintaining its space in the layout.

Advanced Variants

Tailwind CSS offers advanced variants for the “hidden” display utility class, enabling more

granular control over making an element visible. Two noteworthy variants are “group” and


Group Variant

The “group” variant of the “hidden” display utility class is a powerful tool for creating interactive

and dynamic user interfaces. It allows you to hide or reveal elements based on interactions with

a parent element.

For example, consider a scenario where you want to reveal a hidden element when a user

hovers over its parent container. The technique helps create interactive menus, tooltips, and


<div class="group">

<div class="hidden group-hover:block">Revealed on parent hover</div>


The “group” variant extends the capabilities of the “hidden” utility class, enabling you to create

dynamic and user-friendly interfaces without the need for custom CSS or JavaScript.

Focus Variant

The “focus” variant of the “hidden” display utility class is designed to control the visible visibility

of elements when they gain focus. This variant is particularly valuable for enhancing the

accessibility and usability of web forms and interactive components.

For instance, consider an input field that should be hidden until it receives focus:

<input type="text" class="hidden focus:block" />

The “focus” variant can be applied to various form elements, buttons, and interactive

components, allowing you to create user-friendly and accessible interfaces.

Display Variant

It can also hide the default display value of the block level element. An Inline element like

<span> can also have its visibility hidden. Elements with the hidden css property display still

maintain their original display value. If a hidden element had a “block” display, it remains a

block-level element but is just hidden from view.

Other Variants

Tailwind CSS offers additional variants that work with the “hidden” utility class to control making

an element visible based on different conditions. These variants include “group-focus,” “groupactive,”

“group-even,” and “group-odd,” among others.

For example, the “group-focus” variant can be used to reveal hidden content when a parent

element gains focus:

<div class="group group-focus:block">

<div class="hidden">Revealed when the parent is focused</div>


Similarly, the “group-active” variant allows you to control the visible visibility when the parent

element is in the active state, such as when a button is clicked.

Combining “hidden” with Other Classes

Tailwind CSS excels in combining utility classes and most elements to create complex UI

components. Pairing the “hidden” class with others can help you achieve designs without

custom CSS.

<div class="hidden md:flex">Visible on medium screens and above.</div>

Let’s explore how you can combine the “hidden” class with other Tailwind classes to achieve a

wide range of design.

Tailwind Layout Classes

Tailwind CSS offers a variety of layout-related classes, and combining them with “hidden” allows

you to create responsive and flexible designs. For instance:

<div class="hidden md:flex">Visible on medium screens and above.</div>

Color and Background Classes

Tailwind provides a comprehensive set of classes for controlling colors and backgrounds. You

can create various visual effects by combining these classes with “hidden.” Here’s an example:

<div class="hidden bg-blue-500 text-white p-4">Hidden blue content</div>

Flex and Grid Layout

Tailwind offers classes for creating both flex and grid layouts (It may control the flex display).

You can use the “hidden” class to control the visible visibility of these layouts, resulting in

dynamic design changes. For instance:

<div class="hidden grid grid-cols-2 grid-rows-2">Hidden grid content</div>

Conditional Display property

The “hidden” utility class can be utilized for conditional display, making it suitable for dynamic

web applications. You can control the visible visibility of elements based on specific conditions.

<div class="hidden" x-data="{ show: false }">

<button @click="show = !show">Toggle</button>

<p x-show="show">This content appears conditionally.</p>


In this example, the “hidden” class combines with Alpine.js to show or hide content based on a

button click. Let’s explore how you can leverage the “hidden” utility for conditional display in

your projects.

Conditional Display in Forms

Tailwind’s “hidden” utility class can help create form interfaces with conditional fields. For

example, consider a form where additional fields are displayed when a user selects a specific



<label for="user-type">User Type</label>

<select id="user-type" class="p-2" @change="userType = $event.target.value">

<option value="standard">Standard User</option>

<option value="premium">Premium User</option>



<div class="hidden" x-show="userType === 'premium'">

<label for="premium-feature">Premium Feature</label>

<input type="text" id="premium-feature" class="p-2" />


In this example, the “hidden” class initially hides the “Premium Feature” input field. It becomes

visible when the user selects “Premium User” from the dropdown.

Animation and Transition Effects

To enhance the user experience, you can apply animation and transition effects to hidden

elements using Tailwind CSS classes. For instance:

<div class="hidden animate-fadeIn">Content with a fade-in effect.</div>

The “animate-fadeIn” class adds a graceful fade-in animation when the previously hidden

content becomes visible.

Transition Classes

Tailwind CSS provides a set of transition classes that allow you to control the transition duration,

timing function, and other transition properties. These classes can work with the “hidden” utility

to create smooth transitions when elements become visible or hidden.

For example, you can use the transition-all class to apply transitions to all properties:

<div class="hidden transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out transform scale-0">

Content with a transition effect


When the element becomes visible (for example, when you remove the “hidden” class), the

specified transition effects will be applied, creating a smooth and visually appealing reveal.

Combining Transitions and Animations

Tailwind CSS allows you to combine transition and animation classes to create complex effects.

For instance, you can use a transition class to control the timing of an animation:

<div class="hidden transition-all duration-500 animate-bounce">

Content with a bounce animation and a transition


In this example, the “hidden” class initially hides the content, and the transition-all duration-

500 classes specify that all properties should transition in 500 milliseconds. The animatebounce

class applies a bounce animation. The transition controls the animation’s timing and

smoothness when the element becomes visible.

Responsiveness with hidden CSS property display

Responsiveness is a cornerstone of modern web development. The “hidden” utility class

facilitates responsive style by allowing you to hide or display content based on screen size.

<div class="hidden sm:block">Hidden on small screens, displayed on larger screens.</div>

The “hidden” class, combined with “sm:block,” ensures that the content is hidden on small

screens and displayed on larger screens.

Let’s explore how to use “hidden” to create responsive designs in your projects.

Hiding on Small Screens

One use case for the “hidden” utility class is hiding content on small screens to optimize the

user experience. For example, you may want to hide certain navigation elements or sidebars on

small mobile screens to provide more space for the main content.

<div class="hidden lg:block">Navigation Menu</div>

Conditional Display for Different Screen Sizes

You can also use the “hidden” utility class with responsive classes to create conditional display

logic for various screen sizes. For example, you may want to display a call-to-action button only

on extra-small screens and hide it on larger screens.

<div class="hidden sm:inline-block md:hidden lg:inline-block">Call to Action</div>

The “hidden” class hides the call-to-action button by default. It is displayed on extra-small (sm)

and large (lg) screens but hidden on medium-sized (md) screens. This strategy allows you to

tailor the user interface to different screen sizes.

Accessibility and the “Hidden” Class properties

Web accessibility is critical when using the “hidden” utility class. Hiding content may impact

screen readers and users with disabilities. To address this, Tailwind CSS provides the “sr-only”

utility class, which ensures that content is accessible to screen readers while hidden visually.

<div class="sr-only">This content is hidden from sight but accessible to screen readers.


The “sr-only” class ensures that screen readers can access and interpret the content,

maintaining an accessible experience.

Screen Readers and the “Hidden” Class

The “hidden” class in Tailwind CSS hides elements visually. However, it does not necessarily

hide them from screen readers or assistive technologies. This is an important distinction, as

some web content may need to remain accessible to users who rely on screen readers.

Tailwind CSS offers an accessibility-friendly utility class called “sr-only” for this purpose. When

used with the “hidden” class, it ensures that content is visually hidden while still accessible to

screen readers.

<div class="hidden sr-only">This content is hidden from view but accessible to screen


In this example, the “hidden” class hides the content visually, making it invisible to sighted

users. Simultaneously, the “sr-only” class ensures that the content is still accessible to screen

readers, making it inclusive and adhering to accessibility guidelines.

Real-World Examples

Tailwind CSS’s “hidden” utility class is a versatile tool that can be applied in various real-world

scenarios to enhance user experience and simplify web development. Let’s explore practical,

real-world examples of how web developers use the “hidden” utility class in their projects.

Navigation Menus

One common application of the “hidden” utility class is in responsive navigation menus. In

responsive web design, you commonly hide the navigation menu on small screens and reveal it

when a user taps the navigation icon. This approach optimizes screen space and provides a

user-friendly mobile experience.

<nav class="lg:hidden">

<!-- Navigation links -->


Modal Windows

Modal windows display additional information, forms, or alerts without navigating to a new page.

The “hidden” utility class can help manage the visibility of modals.

<div class="fixed inset-0 hidden modal">

<!-- Modal content -->


Accordion Menus

Accordion menus are interactive elements that users can expand or collapse. The “hidden”

class is often employed to hide the content sections by default and reveal them when the user

clicks on the accordion header.

<div class="hidden" x-show="isAccordionOpen">

<!-- Accordion content -->


Check out this guide on creating a Tailwind css Accordion with React.

Form Validation Messages

Form validation is an integral part of web development. The “hidden” utility class can hide

validation error messages until a user submits an incomplete or incorrect form.

<div class="hidden text-red-500" x-show="hasError">

Please enter a valid email address.



Tooltips provide additional information or context when a user hovers over an element. The

“hidden” class can hide the tooltip content until the user triggers it with a hover or click event.

<span class="relative">

<button>Hover me</button>

<div class="hidden absolute bg-gray-200 text-black p-2">Tooltip content</div>


Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

While Tailwind CSS’s “hidden” utility class is a powerful tool for controlling making an element

visible, there are common mistakes and pitfalls users may encounter. Understanding these

issues can help you avoid them in your projects. Let’s explore some of the most frequent


Forgetting to Consider Accessibility

One of the most significant pitfalls when using the “hidden” class is neglecting accessibility.

While the class hides elements visually, it doesn’t automatically make them inaccessible to

screen readers or other assistive technologies. For content that should be accessible, you need

to combine the “hidden” class with “sr-only” or other accessibility classes to ensure the content

is available to all users.

<div class="hidden sr-only">Accessible content</div>

Neglecting accessibility can result in unusable web content for individuals with disabilities, which

may lead to legal and ethical issues.

Misusing the “Hidden” Class for Animation

While the “hidden” class is excellent for controlling visibility, it’s not meant for animations. It’s a

common mistake to use the “hidden” class in combination with transition or animation classes to

create fade-in or slide-in effects. This can lead to unexpected behavior and conflicts with

Tailwind CSS’s animation utilities.

For animations, use animation-specific classes like animate-fadeIn rather than trying to

animate the “hidden” class.

<div class="animate-fadeIn">Animated content</div>

Not Considering Mobile-First Design

Tailwind CSS promotes a mobile-first design approach. Failing to follow this principle and

starting with a desktop-first design can lead to overuse of the “hidden” class to hide content on

smaller screens. This can result in code that is less maintainable and less efficient.

Always design your interfaces with mobile screens in mind and use the “hidden” class to

enhance for larger screens, if necessary.

Overusing “Hidden” for Micro-Optimizations

While the “hidden” class is valuable for hiding elements, overusing it for minor design changes

or micro-optimizations can lead to overly complex code. For example, hiding and showing

elements multiple times based on screen size can make the code harder to maintain and


Use the “hidden” class judiciously and focus on meaningful improvements to the user


Not Testing for Accessibility

Testing for accessibility is crucial when using the “hidden” class, especially when you’re hiding

and revealing content dynamically. Failing to test your web application with screen readers and

assistive technologies can result in accessibility issues that are challenging to identify and

rectify later.

Always test your web applications with popular screen readers and accessibility tools to ensure

the hidden content is accessible.

Browser Compatibility

Browser compatibility is vital when using the “hidden” utility class in Tailwind CSS. While

Tailwind is designed to work well with modern browsers, it’s essential to be aware of potential

compatibility issues, especially when dealing with older or less common browsers. Here’s a

closer look at browser compatibility for the “hidden” utility class and how to ensure your web

applications work across a wide range of browsers.

Browser Support for Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is well-supported in modern browsers. The primary browsers, such as Google

Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Microsoft Edge, are generally compatible with

Tailwind CSS’s utility classes, including “hidden.”

However, it’s crucial to remember that some of Tailwind’s more advanced features, like custom

utility classes and responsive design, might not work in older browsers or browsers with limited

CSS support.

Solutions for Browser Compatibility

Here are some strategies to ensure browser compatibility when using the “hidden” utility class:

Progressive Enhancement

Use JavaScript


Feature Detection


Use a CSS Preprocessor (PostCSS with Autoprefixer)

Check Tailwind CSS Updates

Performance Considerations

While Tailwind CSS is known for its utility-first approach and developer-friendly nature, there are

performance considerations when using the utility class. Careful use of utility classes and

optimization techniques can help maintain the performance of your web application.

Here are some key performance considerations:

CSS File Size

One of the primary concerns with utility-first CSS frameworks like Tailwind is the potential for

generating large CSS files. Overusing the utility class can contribute to increased file size,

affecting page load times.

Consider using it in the CSS code; only when necessary. Avoid adding it to every element you

want to hide or reveal; prioritize content that needs to be conditionally displayed.

Avoiding Inline Styles

While Tailwind promotes a utility-first approach, avoid using inline styles with the utility class.

Inline styles can increase the complexity of your CSS and hinder optimization efforts. Stick to

using Tailwind classes in your HTML and CSS.

Performance Testing

Regularly perform performance testing on your web application to identify potential bottlenecks

or performance issues related to Tailwind classes. Tools like Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights,

and WebPageTest can provide insights into your web application’s performance.

Conditional Loading

If your web application includes complex features or components that depend on the class to

control visibility, consider implementing conditional loading of JavaScript or CSS assets. Load

these assets as needed rather than including them in the initial page load. This can help reduce

the page’s overall load time.

Best Practices

Tailwind CSS is a powerful and versatile framework, and its “hidden” utility class can be a

valuable tool when used effectively. To make the most of this class while maintaining a clean

and efficient codebase, consider the following best practices:

Prioritize Accessibility

Accessibility is a fundamental consideration when using the “hidden” class. Ensure that content

with the “hidden” class remains accessible to screen readers and other assistive technologies. It

can be achieved by combining the class with accessibility-specific classes like “sr-only.”

<div class="hidden sr-only">Accessible content</div>

By making hidden content accessible, you ensure all users, including those with disabilities, can

access the information they need.

Use Responsively

Tailwind CSS provides responsive classes that allow you to control the visibility based on

screen size. Use these classes in conjunction with “hidden” to create responsive designs.

Always follow a mobile-first design approach, enhancing the layout for larger screens.

<div class="hidden sm:block">Visible on small screens and above.</div>

With responsive class, you can adapt your interface to different mobile devices and screen

sizes while keeping the code organized.

Avoid Mixing Transition and “Hidden”

While it may be tempting to apply transition classes to the class for animation effects, add

transition and animation classes directly to the visible element you want to animate. This

approach keeps your code more organized and easier to maintain.

<div class="animate-fadeIn">Animated content</div>

Use animation classes like “animate-fadeIn” separately to achieve animation and transition


Test and Optimize

Regularly test your web application on various browsers, mobile devices, and screen sizes to

ensure the “hidden” class functions as expected and your design remains responsive.

Additionally, consider optimizing your CSS by purging unused classes when building for


Keep It Semantic

While utility classes are helpful, use semantic HTML code. Ensure that your HTML structure

makes sense, and avoid unnecessary div elements. Semantic HTML not only improves

accessibility but also simplifies CSS styling and maintenance.


Effective documentation is crucial when working with utility classes like “hidden.” Document how

and why you use the “hidden” class for references in your codebase. This helps other

developers understand your design decisions and ensures consistency across your project.

In Summary of the Tailwind CSS Hidden display


In summary, the “hidden” utility class in Tailwind CSS is a valuable tool for web developers (and

software engineers), offering a precise and efficient way to control element visibility. By

understanding its implementation, combining it with other classes, and adhering to best

practices, you can maximize the potential of the “hidden” utility class, enhancing the user

experience and streamlining web development.

With PureCode.ai, you can generate custom Tailwind CSS components. The best part is the components are ready for production!

‘Original article published here
