How To Choose The Right Water Purifier


water purifier


When it comes to taking care of your family members, you have be careful not to make rash decisions. The purchase of the best water purifier is among the most crucial decisions that you'll need to make. Although it might seem simple to purchase a purifier for your water, there are many aspects to think about. The quality of your water will determine the water purifier that you choose to purchase. Before making a final choice take into consideration the price, technology, and look up reviews of water purifiers. Our Buyer's Guide will guide you in choosing the right water purifier for your needs.

How to choose the right water purifier for your home?

Here are some important factors you need to consider when buying an appliance to purify your water at the home:

Water Quality

As we mentioned in the 1st paragraph the first paragraph, it is essential to determine the quality of the water before purchasing the purifier. An RO water purifier is recommended when your water is contaminated with high TDS levels, hardness, and salt. Semi-permeable membranes are part of RO water purifiers. The semi-permeable membrane is able to remove the smallest amount of dissolved salts and metals as well as other impurities. You may get more details about water purifier by visiting website.

Diverse kinds of water purifiers

There are many water purification technology options in the marketplace. Knowing the various purification technologies is essential to make the best choice. Based on the water's quality and your budget, you can select between UV, RO and UF (gravity based) water purifiers. We have more information about the various technologies:

RO Water Purifiers

High TDS areas are best treated by reverse purifiers using osmosis. RO water purifiers are able to remove heavy metals, Flouride and Arsenic from the water. However, RO purifiers also help in removing certain essential minerals from water, which makes it crucial to ensure that the water purifier has a TDS controller.




Gravity Based Water Purifiers

A UV water purifier makes use of an intense UV lamp to disinfect water and remove the contaminants. The UV purifiers can be used to clean tap water as well as municipal water. However, UV water purification can't remove impurities that are dissolved from water.


Bacteria, nitrate, dissolved pesticides, and lead are some of the main contaminants found in water. Every laboratory is able to analyze water for contaminants. RO+UV+UF filters are an ideal choice if the water you receive from your home is contaminated with high levels of contaminants and microbes. The UV light rays irradiate water and penetrate the cells of viruses and bacteria which destroys their ability to reproduce. These organisms fail to multiply and eventually die. The RO membrane aids in the removal of the dead organisms and pollutants from water and making it suitable for drinking.

Capacity for Storage

When you are buying an water purifier, it is crucial to think about the capacity of storage. If you live in an area that is prone to power cuts, you need a water purifier which has greater storage capacity. Automated water purifiers initiate the process of purification at the moment the water level inside the purifier drops.


It is also recommended to read reviews of water purifiers for certifications. Water purifiers approved by the government guarantee that they are trustworthy and authentic. GOpure received the highest quality certifications from NSF, WQA and CE.

Upkeep and After Purchases Solutions

Also, ensure that you have all information regarding maintenance and after-sales services of your water purifier before making a decision. It's not worth investing money on a device which requires regular maintenance. In addition, you also need to check the after sales services offered by the company. Insufficient after sales service can lead to a lot of problems if something goes wrong with the water filter.