Architekten Vorsorge



Vorsorge bedeutet die Planung der finanziellen Zukunft und der Absicherung von Besitzern im Fall einer Erwerbsunfähigkeit oder des Todes. Es ist deshalb wichtig, dass Vorsorgeplanung im Zusammenhang mit beruflicher Ausübungspflicht berücksichtigt wird.

Architekten Vorsorge ist ein unabhängiges gemeinnütziges Sozialversicherungsunternehmen für Architekten, Ingenieure, Bauleitern und anderen Fachbereichen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf den Schweizeren. Seit 1961 bietet die Gesellschaft ihren Arbeitnehmern sichere Vorsorgeleistungen in der Schweiz an. Die Gesellschaft ist in den Bereichen Gesundheitsleistungen, Versicherungsdienstleistung und Vermögensversicherung gebildet und verfügt über mehr als 14’500 Arbeitnehmer.

The Architekten Versorge - Pensionskasse (AVP) was founded in 1961 as an independent company by the Swiss Association of Engineers and Architects (SIA), the Schweizerische Technische Verbande (STV) and the Swiss Association of Constructors (BSA). Today, it is Switzerland’s leading pension fund for architects and other technical professions. It is an unabhangige Stiftung>> with an unpaid management and a high level of security.

Since its founding, AVP has grown Architekten Vorsorge considerably and now covers nearly all of Switzerland’s professional groups in the areas of health and accident insurance, life insurance and death benefit. The AVP also offers its members a wide range of other services, including advice on tax-related issues and the purchase of real estate and investments.

AVP is a member of the Swiss Social Security System (SSS) and is subject to the regulations set by the State, which guarantee it financial stability and a high standard of service. This is ensured by a stable structure, an independent risk management and control system and comprehensive compliance with the national regulations.

As well as offering a comprehensive product portfolio and an extensive range of benefits, AVP has a team of experts on hand to provide support for its clients. This includes consultants from the areas of investment and insurance, as well as lawyers who can help with contractual matters.

In addition, the AVP offers a wide variety of educational and training opportunities for its members. These include seminars, conferences and workshops. AVP is constantly striving to develop and improve its products and services in order to meet the demands of its customers. In this way, it is able to offer its employees and their families the best possible level of protection and safety.