Dr. Sears Free Newsletter!






What if I told you most of your health problems, limitations and premature aging causes stem from a lack of essential nutrients

You see, in an untainted world, like our ancestors lived in, you wouldn’t need nutritional supplements. They got all the essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients  they needed from the native foods in their environment.

As a result, they had strong lean bodies, a healthy sex drive, powerful hearts, and robust lungs… well into their senior years.

This is the same naturally lean, healthy body nature intended for you, but now, our nutrition has changed. It is much harder to maintain the strong, powerful, thin bodies our ancestors built naturally.

The reason is clear… Our world has changed!

In today’s environment full of genetically modified foods, hormone pumped-up livestock, and vegetables growing in over-harvested, nutrient-bankrupt soil, it is difficult to get even a fraction of the vitamins and nutrients you need from your food.

You now have to eat 10 servings of vegetables to equal the nutrition of 1 serving from 50 years ago.

Even the FDA admits that the vitamin and mineral levels of our foods have fallen 81 per cent over the last 30 years.

Supplements are not simply a good idea. They are necessary for your good health and survival.

My name is Dr. Al Sears, MD. I am one of the first physicians board-certified in anti-aging medicine. I am also a board-certified nutritionist, strength coach, and ACE certified fitness instructor.

I am the medical director and founder of the Dr. Sears Center for Health and Wellness in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. I am a world renowned researcher and author with a health and wellness readership that spans over 163 countries. I have appeared on over 50 national radio programs, ABC News, CNN, and ESPN.

Twenty-five years ago, I was one of the first to introduce therapies that were almost unknown at the time, but widely accepted today.

Every year, I travel over 20,000 miles to the most remote regions of the world. My goal is to find natural healing secrets and hidden therapies that are either unknown or ignored by mainstream medicine.

I bring back these secrets and include them in my Primal Force supplements to help you improve health and prevent illness.

My many discoveries are often breakthroughs for promoting good health with natural, effective solutions.  I have developed many naturopathic treatment options to slow down and even reverse the aging-process without toxic chemicals or cosmetic surgery.

In fact, I was the first to introduce the Nobel prize-winning, anti-aging breakthrough of our time, telomere therapy, to the general public.

I was one of the first to offer natural, “bio-identical” hormones… one of the first to measure blood levels of CoQ10 in my patients…

And I was one of the first MDs to bring the 8X more powerful form of CoQ10, called ubiquinol to the US from Japan.

Today, it’s used around the world to restore energy and reverse heart disease.

In an ideal world, you wouldn’t need to take any nutritional supplements.  All the best vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients you need would already be in your regular diet.

Modern industrial farming and animal husbandry dramatically altered our food.   Commercialization has us eating things that we don’t understand and can’t even pronounce.

Chemicals and toxins infiltrate our food and water.  Industrial products mimic hormones and wreak havoc on our moods, our bodies and our sex lives.

My mission with Primal Force is this: To show you how to use the most powerful tools on the planet to live your life with as much energy and vibrancy as you had in your younger days, and to make sure you know all of your options for erasing pain, illness and disease.

Primal Force nutritional supplements provide support and preventable health solutions for a healthier you.  The following are just some of the areas Primal Force products can help you with:

  • Anti-Aging
  • Maintaining proper weight
  • Heart Heath
  • Brain Function & Memory
  • Symptoms that are Age Related
  • Joint Discomfort
  • Sexual Potency
  • Mood
  • Energy Levels
  • Mental Health

PRIMAL FORCE gives you the nutrition for health you need in today’s toxic world.

With the right nutrition, you can regain the power, strength, mobility, cognition, and lean muscle that nature intends for you to have.

To Your Good Health,



That was from Dr Sears himself. He tells it all.

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