Use What God Gave!
A lot of times we don't receive from "God", because we fail to use what "He Gave"!
If, we only, use what people gave, we will "Remain", at a certain level!
When we use what "God Gave", we will be exalted! If, we don't give up!
We "Must Wait", on "God"!
Some say, "God", is "Too Slow. Actually, he is "Always", on time! We are the one's, that are too fast or slow!
When something does not happen when we "Think", it is supposed to happen, we tend to "Blame God"! Isaiah 55:8,9
"God Gave", us "Grace"! Romans 12:3
"God Gave", us "Jesus"! John 3:16
We have his permission to do what he did, and more of it! John 14:12
Will you use the "Power", that "God Gave"?
Will you use the "Love", that "God Gave"?
Will you use the "Sound Mind", that
"God Gave"? 2 Timothy 1:7
Thank You!
Think on These:
1. Is your "Faith", in "God"? Hebrews 11:6
2. "Fuel", makes a vehicle "Go"! The word of "God", is "Fuel", for the "Christian"! So Go! Mark 16:15
3. Are you "Rich", yet? How do you define "Rich"?
Proverbs 10:22
4. Discussion Question - Was "Adam", supposed to
know "Evil"?
5. God/The Word Works! John 14:10, John 1:1
6. We could have no "Light", without "God"!
Genesis 1:3 & 1 John 1:5
7. "God", provides a way of "Escape", and so does the "Devil"! Which "Escape Plan', will you "Choose"?
1 Corinthians 10:13
8. Do you "Prefer Others", with "Balance"?
Romans 12:10
9. If, you don't "Recognize", the devil, then you can't "Resist", him! James 4:7
10. Was it "You, or God"?
11. Are you hooked on "Jesus"? Matthew 4:19
12. Hold On! Don't Give Up! God Has This!
13. "Obey God! Acts 5:29
14. Some Married Folk say this - "I didn't sign up for this!" Yes, you did! When? When you said, (I Do)"
15. You see "Me", but do you see "You"?
16. What did I ask you? John 5:6
17. Are you following "Jesus"? Matthew 4:19
18. Discussion Question - How old was "Adam", before he "Sinned"?
19. The "War", is in your "Mind"! Change "Minds"! Philippians 2:5
20. Are you reaching "Forward"? Philippians 3:13