Weekly Message/Friday Afternoons


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Prosperity includes "Money", but it's not "Limited", to it!


You can "Prosper", with more "Time"!


You can "Prosper", with the "Favor of God"!


You can have "Prosperity", in your "Business"!


You can "Prosper", in "Church Growth"!


You can "Prosper", in your "Home Life"!


You can have "More Real Friends"!


"Prosperity", is not "Limited", to "Money"!  It involves so much more!






We Must Go on!



John 8:31 - "Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, if ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed:"



Sometimes, we don't "Understand"!




We Must Go On!


We may have "Issues"!




We Must Go On!


We may sometimes have "Disappointments"!




We Must Go On!


Many "Start", but we must "Continue"!


You may get "Sick", but will you "Continue"?


We "Remember", the "Old You"!





Will you "Cntinue"?


We Must Go On!


We are surrounded by wolves"!




We Must Go On!


In order to be with "Jesus", John 14:3


We Must Go On!


Thank You!



Think on These:


1.  You washed "Your Body", but are you "Clean"? 

       1 John 1:9

2.  Don't "You", deceive "You"!  James 1:22

3.  Do you take them for "Granted", or are you just "Familiar", with them?

4.  "God's Mercy", is still "New"!  Lamentations 3:23

5.  Ther is no "Secret", from "God"!  Matthew 6:4

6.  It came frm the "Ground"!  (Food,People, and Metals) Actually, Everthing came from "God"!  How do you use them?

7.  "Jesus Said I am", not "I Was"!  John 14:6

8.  "God", does not run out of "Joy"!  Nehemiah 8:10

9.  Did you misinterpret what you "Saw"?

Are you "Saved", or "Born Again"?  Romans 10:9,10,13 & John 3:7

10.  What are you "Reaping"?  Galatians 6:7

11.  Do you "Really Pray", for them, or...

12.  In Life, sometimes "One Strike", and you're "Out"!  (Color,Gender,Country,Job,etc)

13.  "God Made It"!  John 1:3

14.  "Jesus Finished It"!  John 19:30

15.  Some, are not "Sinners", but, yet they "Sin"!  Romans 14:23

16.  Who do you "Blame"?  Genesis 3:12

17.  Before, "DNA", there is "God"!  Genesis 4:10

18.  His "Name", is still "Great"!  Genesis 12:2

19.  Does "Jesus the Christ", own you?

                            1 Corinthians 6:19,20

20.  The very First Lady was "Eve"!  Genesis 3:20

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