Lappe's Bee Supply: Your One-Stop Shop for Free Shipping on Iowa Beekeeping Supplies!


Are you a new beekeeper wondering where to find the best beekeeping supplies? Look no further than Lappe's Bee Supply! We are your one-stop shop for all your beekeeping needs, offering a wide range of high-quality beekeeping equipment, bee hives, and honey bee supplies. With free shipping Iowa beekeeping supplies, we make it easy and affordable for you to start your very own honey bee hive.

Where to Buy Honey Bees for Starting a New Hive or Apiary?

Many new beekeepers often ask, "Where can I buy packages of honey bees for starting a new honey bee hive or apiary?" At Lappe's Bee Supply, we offer top-quality package honey bees that are ready to be installed into your hives. Our honey bees are sourced from reputable breeders to ensure the health and success of your beekeeping venture. You can easily purchase our package honey bees online through our user-friendly website.

How to Become a Beekeeper?

If you're interested in becoming a beekeeper but don't know where to start, Lappe's Bee Supply is here to help. We promote and encourage beekeeping classes in every state, providing you with the knowledge and skills needed to become a successful beekeeper. Our beekeeping 101 resources and links page is a valuable source of information for beginners, offering guidance on how to start beekeeping, how to raise honey bees, and much more. We believe in promoting successful and healthy beekeeping practices for hobbyists and professionals alike.

Where to Buy Bee Hives for Sale?

When it comes to bee hives for sale, Lappe's Bee Supply is your go-to source. We offer a variety of bee hive options, including 8 frame and 10 frame Langstroth bee hives. Our hives are made with high-quality materials, ensuring durability and longevity for your honey bees. Whether you're a backyard beekeeper or a commercial operator, our bee hives provide the perfect home for your buzzing companions.

Where to Buy Bee Houses or Honey Bee Houses for Sale?

If you're looking for bee houses or honey bee houses for sale, Lappe's Bee Supply has you covered. Our bee houses are designed to provide a safe and comfortable shelter for honey bees, allowing them to thrive and produce delicious honey. With our premium honey bee houses, you can create a beautiful and functional apiary right in your backyard.

Where to Buy Beginning Beekeeping Supplies and Equipment?

Starting your beekeeping journey requires the right supplies and equipment. At Lappe's Bee Supply, we offer a wide range of beginning beekeeping supplies to cater to your specific needs. From protective beekeeping suits and hive tools to bee feeders and smokers, we have everything you need to get started. Our beekeeping equipment is of the highest quality, ensuring that you have the necessary tools for successful hive management.

Where to Buy Painted Assembled New Colony Honey Bee Hives on Sale?

Looking for painted assembled new colony honey bee hives? Look no further! Lappe's Bee Supply has 2024 painted assembled new colony honey bee hives on sale now. These hives are expertly crafted and painted, ready for you to install your honey bee colonies. Our hives are designed with the honey bee's comfort and productivity in mind, helping you create a thriving hive.

Where Are the Best Places to Set Up Your Bee Hive or Apiary?

Finding the perfect location for your bee hive or apiary is crucial for the success of your honey bees. We recommend setting up your hives in areas that are located in a valley close to a water source. This ensures that your honey bees have easy access to water and a suitable habitat for foraging. Additionally, consider reaching out to local farmers who have empty open fields near water sources. This can provide you with a convenient and suitable location for your apiary.

Extensive Beekeeping Resources and Links

At Lappe's Bee Supply, we value knowledge and education. That's why we provide an extensive beekeeping resources and links page on our website. This page contains a wealth of information, including guides, articles, and educational materials to help you on your beekeeping journey. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced beekeeper, our resources can enhance your understanding of beekeeping practices and contribute to the success of your honey bee hives.


Lappe's Bee Supply is your ultimate destination for all your beekeeping needs. With our high-quality beekeeping supplies, expert guidance, and commitment to promoting successful and healthy beekeeping practices, we are here to support you every step of the way. Don't wonder how to buy bees – our user-friendly website makes purchasing easy and convenient. Start your beekeeping adventure today with Lappe's Bee Supply, and watch your honey bee hives thrive!