Don’t you find it strange that in 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation released a plan using the term “Lock Step” that outlined the release of a virus in 2020 to take away the rights of the world, crush the middle class and gain total control over everyone’s movement?
Do you find it strange that that Bill Gates ran Event 201 in NYC in October 2019, just before the Covid outbreak, which simulated the exact outbreak and response that is happening now?
Do you find it strange that Bill gates produced a Netflix movie, that aired right before this pandemic, called “Pandemic" - about a Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan China that started in a wet market?
Do you find it strange that in video interviews 5 years apart Bill Gates has a
common book on his desk titled “How To Lie With Statistics”?
Do you find it strange that Dr Fauci wrote in a medical journal that the Corona virus would be no worse than the yearly influenza but a week later in a television interview he said it would be a pandemic?
Do you find it strange that the reported Covid deaths per capita in Democratic states are 15 times higher than in Republican states?
Do you find it strange that between January and May the number of deaths caused by heart attack and stroke have almost zeroed out?
Do you find it strange that many hospitals that are usually at 110% of capacity are now at 70% while the news media is claiming those same hospitals are overrun with Covid19 patients?
Do you find it strange that hospitals get paid $13,000 for diagnosing someone with Covid19 and $39,000 for putting them on a ventilator?
For more information the MSM will not give you, visit
Do you find it strange that the CDC says that if you get coronavirus and fully recover you may NOT have the immunity needed to protect yourself but if you allow them to inject you with a vaccine that has the same virus, you will have immunity from the virus they admit they don't understand?
Do you find it strange that Beijing and Sweden had no lock downs but had less total deaths than last year’s flu season?
Do you find it strange that some states are counting the number of positive tests (1 person may be tested multiple times) and not the number of people that test positive?
Do you find it strange that when official test kits were used on samples of goat, pawpaw fruit, Kware bird and jackfruit they all came back from the laboratory as Covid19 positive?
Do you find it strange that not a single airport in any country closed during this entire pandemic?
Do you find it strange that there are experienced doctors being jailed for prescribing effective natural cures while Bill Gates, who doesn’t have any medical qualification, is dictating to the entire world the necessity for a toxic vaccine?
Do you find it strange that the vast majority of new cases are coming from people that have not left their homes?
Do you find it strange that the new USA quarter has bats on it?
You are being lied to on a level that most are unable to see!
Leonardo Davinci said, “There are three classes of people.
Those that see. Those that see when shown. Those who do not see.
For more information the MSM will not give you, visit