Hebrew: A Valuable Language to Learn


The Most Resurrected Language

Hebrew was once used for everyday communication between the years 200 and 400 CE, and has only survived for scholarly and religious purposes since then. It was not until the 19th century that it was reintroduced into everyday use, thanks to Eliezer BenYehuda's efforts, who was the motivating factor behind its revival. Instead of being split by linguistic boundaries, he aspired to bring the people of Israel together through a common language.

As a result, Hebrew is the only major dead tongue that has been effectively revived, which is a compelling incentive to learn Hebrew online if you are interested in linguistics.

Access a Unique Culture

I hope we all know the answer to the question - which is one of the most influential texts in human history? Yeah, you guessed that right! It’s The Bible. Despite the fact that the Old Testament was composed in Old Hebrew, it can still be understood by Modern Hebrew speakers. Being capable of reading the Bible in its native context allows you to experience one of our society's cornerstone literary works as it was intended to be experienced.

So if you are planning to learn how to read Hebrew, you should have no second thoughts about it as the Easy Learn Hebrew believes that it will enable you to connect to your spiritual self in a way like no other.

Easy Pronunciation & Simple Language

Hebrew grammar is straightforward and orderly. It uses the tenses and Subject-Verb-Object word order, much like English, which means that you need not worry about sentence structure learning. What’s more? The pronunciation of Hebrew is also very easy and simple to learn. You can check a lot of good resources to learn Hebrew online.

Maintains Mental Sharpness

Though learning a language is usually a good mental workout, why not take it a step further and learn a language that includes new concepts? Reading from right to left is a great example of a Hebrew skill that will help you keep your mind sharp. Furthermore, attempting to determine the root and meaning of a word is a task that no crossword can match.