Purity Test

What Does Your Rice Purity Test Score Tell About You?

Whether you took the Rice Purity Test out of curiosity, peer pressure, or to compare your score with others, you now have your result in front of you. But what does it actually reveal about you? 

Purity Test

Let's explore the different score categories and what they might indicate about your experiences and mindset.

1. Lack Of Regard (0-9)

A low score falling within the range of 0-9 suggests that you have encountered a majority of the scenarios mentioned in the test. 

This could indicate that you are a rebellious or adventurous individual who doesn't fear breaking the rules. 

Your score reflects a lack of regard for societal norms and a willingness to explore unconventional paths.

2. Significantly Diminished (9-45)

If your score falls within the 9-45 range, it means that your Purity Score is diminished, indicating that you have experienced a lot in life across various aspects. 

This suggests that your score is critical of the moral values upheld by society. You have likely ventured into realms that push the boundaries and challenge conventional notions of purity.

3. Somewhat Compromised (45-77)

A score falling between 45-77 implies that you have experienced at least half of what the lowest score category entails. 

This suggests that you have given yourself enough liberty in life and have had the courage to explore a range of experiences. Your score reflects a sense of adventure and a desire to live life to the fullest.

4. Moderately Pure (77-94)

With a score ranging from 77-94, you fall into the category of being moderately pure. This means that you have adhered to societal values to a considerable extent and have not engaged in a significant number of activities mentioned in the questionnaire. 

Your score indicates that you have struck a balance between exploring life and maintaining a sense of purity.

5. Notably Pure (94-98)

A score between 94-98 suggests that you have not experienced a significant portion of the activities mentioned in the questionnaire. Your purity is notable, making you suitable for almost any society. 

You are seen as a candidate who upholds moral values and is less likely to engage in actions that may be considered demoralizing or socially unacceptable.

6. Exceptionally Pure (98-100)

If your score falls within the range of 98-100, congratulations! You belong to the category of being exceptionally pure. 

Your score indicates that you have avoided anything that may offend or go against social norms and bonds. 

You have led a pure, simple, and relatively trouble-free life, demonstrating a strong commitment to upholding societal values.


Remember, the Rice Purity Test is simply a self-assessment tool and should not be taken as an absolute measure of your character or worth. 

Each individual's experiences and choices are unique, and the test provides a glimpse into certain aspects of your life. Embrace your score with a lighthearted perspective and use it as an opportunity for self-reflection.

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