How To Win 2048 The Most Easiest Strategies And Game Guide

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2048 is a 4x4 tile game developed by web-based developer Gabriel Cirulli. The goal of the game is to join numbers to create larger tiles, so that you can reach the magical number 2048.


It seems like a game in which luck is the only factor that matters. It's a game that requires strategy and players have the ability to influence the outcomes. There are many games like this, and they might appear to be pure luck, but when players understand the subtleties of the game, luck becomes less of an issue. For instance, take solitaire which allows players to win most of the time if the game is played perfectly. Check out the blog here if you are interested.

So now, let's look at the steps to win in 2048 as well as the rules that go along with it. This guide will teach you how you can win 2048 every time. Continue reading to find out how to become a 2048 game expert.

2048 Rules

The rules for how to play 2048, are very simple. You have four ways to move the tiles in the direction of left and right, as well as up and down. Combining numbers such as 2 and 2 creates the 4 tile. Four and four create an 8 and so forth.

Each time you play the board, a small number such as the numbers 2 or 4 will be displayed randomly in places. This means that the board will get bigger and the rows are more difficult to move as the game goes on.

How to Win 2048


The most important aspect of your 2048 game strategy is to remain well-organized. If you're constantly swapping numbers during the game, you will not be able to make it through the chaos.

Think Ahead

You know that random numbers will appear in an empty space on tiles. So make sure you're sliding your tiles in a certain way, so you can control the empty space in which the tile appears




Lock it up

To win, keep your largest number in one corner. The way to do this is to make sure that the row or column filled with other numbers.

This guarantees it will not move while you move around the other numbers. It also guarantees that the number with the highest value will not be lost in middle of the board, making it hard to add numbers to the board as the game moves on.

It's more beneficial to have less more

Most of the time it is best to move the tiles in two directions. If you don't want it, eliminate one direction. This will make your tiles a little more well-organized. When learning how to win 2048, the primary method is "less is more". It is easy to increase your score when you stick to a simple strategy.

Build Chains

It's simple to spot a pattern in 2048 game online, and you can make use of those patterns to your advantage. If you are aware of which directions you are utilizing, you can build a chain. A snake chain is the most widely-known chain.

Chains are a way to ensure that smaller numbers are on one side , and bigger numbers on another. In the ideal scenario, the higher numbers will be closer to the biggest number to allow you to quickly increase it.

Combine Campaigns

The best way to be sure you win 2048 game is to use more than one 2048 strategy to increase your odds. Take, for instance the scenario where you place your largest number on the right-hand side of the screen.

You could then apply the strategy of less is better to stop down motion and concentrate on moving right and up.

Finally, you can use the strategy of less is more to build chains, that can then help to build the corners and win the game online.


You now know the strategies to win in 2048. What are you waiting to do? Go and play 2048 now online!