How to Calculate and Measure Net Promoter Score (NPS)

If reading this, you probably already know that Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric that uses customers’ likelihood to recommend a product, service, or business as a score for your customer experience. That’s why it pays off when you have an insight into how to calculate net promoter score (NPS) in 2023.


There is no reason to panic since we are here to help you uncover this. Read on to find out how to measure and calculate NPS with this useful guide to have an easy ride.


How to Calculate Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)

It is evident that NPS is a metric that lets you know your overall customer experience quality based on your existing customers’ likelihood to recommend your product, service, or organization. To perform NPS calculation, you will have to use the following Net Promoter Score (NPS) formula:


Total % of promoters – total % of detractors equals net promoter score. What this simply means is that the total % of people who would recommend your brand- the total % of those who wouldn’t equals your net promoter score.


Reasons to Calculate Your NPS

When it comes to customer experience programs, managers and staff have to quantify the sentiment of customers to compare results and work towards better ones. This is made possible by measuring customer’s experiences. Common indicators of happy customers are brand loyalty, a positive level of customer satisfaction or even high reported levels of top-quality customer service.


It is worth mentioning that this data carries with it a real impact on your future commercial strategy, budget-allocation, and product development plans. In these scenarios and others, NPS is leverage to get a representative landscape of how your customer base thinks about you.


You might at times be tempted to start emailing your customers right away, but organization is key to being successful. That’s why you will want to ask yourself a few questions. What aspect of the business am I looking to measure: brand, service, or product? How are my customers segmented and which segments will I need to monitor?


The very moment you find answers to the above and other questions, you can start planning your NPS surveys and outreach. Keep in mind you will need a high number of responses to be able to calculate your NPS more accurately without feeling the heat on yourself.