The Ultimate Guide to Blog Post Length In 2024

Creating a blog is a remarkable approach to follow when you want to share your ideas and opinions with the world. But aside from being an outlet for creative expression, blog posts also lead to substantial website traffic, social media shares and backlinks.


To get the most from your blog posts, they must be well written at an optimized length. This leads us to the burning question, ‘How long should a blog post be?’Let’s take you through the ultimate guide to blog post length in 2024 and what you need to do.


How Long Should a Blog Post Be?

It is highly recommended that you make your blog posts about 1,500 to 2,000 words long, ideally. This range helps ensure you cover topics in depth, offer valuable information to your audience, and optimize your content for SEO. But to be honest, the optimal length of a blog post entirely depends on your content goals, audience needs, and search intent.


You can always turn to long blog post when covering in-depth topics. As for shorter articles, they can be effective for how-to guides or press releases. Crafting the perfect content strategy will surely help ensure you address your short-and long-form content needs.


Does Blog Post Length Really Matter?

The simplest answer to this question is yes. However, that’s not to mean longer blog posts are always better. In real sense, your decision on the length of your blog publication should entirely depend on the search intent. What we’re merely implying is that you should offer the blog post length that best serves your audience’s needs.


Your key focus should be accurately answering your audience’s questions. This entails investing time to better understand them and the amount of information they need. Only then can you decide on the ideal length for your next blog post.


Rounding Up

As we conclude, it is important to remember that success is mostly down to the quality of your content and how comprehensively your cover your topic, not necessarily a specific length. To determine your blog post length, you need to establish your goal, define your audience and focus on search intent, not word count.


Take it upon yourself to analyze the length of the blog post, the tone of voice used in the article, the questions and subtopics addressed in the article, and of course, the visuals and other elements on the page.