Any form of arc welding produces dangerous UV rays that can cause severe skin burns and eye damage. Every welder has at least once in his career felt the discomfort of flash burn to the eyes caused from exposure to welding flash. For several days after a flash burn the eyes feel as though they were filled with sand. It is a very uncomfortable feeling and once experienced will cause the welder to take precautions against any further incidents. Many new welders have probably found themselves, while learning the trade, lifting their welding shield to strike an arc because of course they can not see through the darkened glass plate of the helmet till the arc is started. They quickly learn that this is a very bad practice. lysol disinfectant wipes
Early welding shields consisted of a helmet that covered the face and wrapped around the head to provide protection against not only welding arc flash but also any sparks that may be thrown about. These helmets had a viewing plate approximately two inches by 4 inches which provided a very narrow field of view. The lens plates were available in various shades of darkness because some welding procedures produce brighter flash. This situation meant that the welder working on various thicknesses of metal might have to stop and change the lens from time to time to adjust for the brightness of the flash. In addition until the welder is experienced it can be difficult to start an arc in the proper place because of the dark lens plate.
In addition to the above mentioned problems these early shields were heavy and hot. Welding itself can be hot, smokey and uncomfortable in general and the welding shield did not do much to ease these discomforts. However as usual in any situation new technology has traveled very far and produced modern new shields that fix these problems. First they are made of much lighter material. The viewing plates now are 4 inches by 5 inches or even larger. The lenses are now auto darkening. These lenses stay clear until an arc is struck and then in speeds of 1/10,000 of a second automatically darken. this allows the welder full vision while wearing the helmet.
No longer is it necessary to change lenses to get a darker shade.These modern helmets have a built in lense adjustment allowing the welder to easily adjust the lense to the shade needed. In what can only be called a magical solution all the lense adjustments are controlled by a solar battery which is
Every year hundreds of workers suffer injuries while carrying out hazardous operations. Accidents at the workplace not only lead to unfortunate loss of manpower, but also result in high compensation costs. Harmful particles could hit the face, eyes or head. Radiation, especially UV radiation, immense heat are some of the dangers faced by the workforce in industries like mining, engineering, welding operations, laboratories on regular basis. Therefore, you must develop a comprehensive protection policy for your workforce and diligently implement it.
Besides having a charter of rules in place, it is mandatory on part of employers to provide their employees with adequate protections equipment. Industry standards require that each employee working in high- risk zone must be equipped with specifically designed device to protect eyes, ear, head, skin, face and body in general. This is know as personal protective equipment (PPE).
But before deciding to buy personal protection equipment you must assess the risks that are inherent in your industry which cannot be removed but only managed - like chemical splash, being hit by metal projectile, vapor inhalation, radiation, dust, extreme temperatures, contact with contaminated residues, skin abrasions. Evaluation of possible hazards must be done to provide the workers with appropriate protection equipment.
Gears like goggles, gloves, ear plugs, safety helmets, body suits and harnesses are required for protecting the health of employees and also safeguarding them in situations like fall, being hit by sharp objects and chemical reactions or high decibel of noise. There are many companies that provide a complete Personal Protection product line that entails protection gear for Head, Eyes, Ears, Face, besides providing devices to prevent fall, and respiration problems.