IT Safety in the Digital Era: Defending Knowledge and Systems

The advances in engineering may deliver humans to Mars in the near future. Internet of things, 5G, artificial intelligence, computerized operating, and etc and on, probably nobody can list all the new technologies which are emerging. The complexity of the scientific world is amazing but in the same way bewildering, and hard to grasp. Yet, the researchers, technicians, and technicians simply need to target by themselves percentage of the work. The complex robots are made up of smaller practical items which are manageable.

By the particular professionals. They're guided by clinical texts and in the minds. Despite the complexity of systems, they will ultimately be followed to the easy source in medical texts. Wikipedia identifies technology as "Technology could be the sum of practices, skills, strategies, and processes found in the creation of goods or companies or the accomplishment of objectives, such as for example scientific investigation." In the research, technology is identified as "the application of scientific information for practical applications, specially in industry. Ailtra

The descriptions are vast, apparently to add all helpful ways of humans achieving something. Indeed, engineering is it self a broad expression with several valid definitions. Both definitions are correct in they explain facts. But they don't explain this is of the terms such as "techniques", "application" and "medical knowledge", which are hazy phrases and can include all the stuff in the universe. Because we described research in terms of texts in the report "a new description of research - the textual foundation that presents the real world.

Technology should also be described when it comes to texts due to its clinical nature. Science and engineering are directly related and inseparable in the current world. Medical texts - the primary of technology We consider texts since the core of science, which will also take the primary of engineering because of the basically same nature of science and technology. Now we are perhaps not saying the textual character of science/technology, involved visitors may send to the article "language - the primary of science" ;.Science can represent everything.