Use Survey Timer For An Increase In Engagement As Well As The Rate Of Response


time calculator


Survey Timer has been a feature of Survey Analytics for quite a while but now it's been moved to those who love and use Timer.Live. It was a concept that I was unable to grasp until I heard about it. I didn't understand the potential advantages that having an online survey that was timed. So to get a little more details and clarification on the subject, I talked to Aditya Bhat, our director of sales. Here is a glimpse of our discussion.

What is an Countdown Timer?

Countdown 45 second timer is an option that sets an amount of time for a survey. Respondents literally have to finish the survey within a certain period of time. The survey will end at the point that the timer is over. All responses are considered incomplete. The maximum duration is 60 minutes.

Your survey should not be timed out.

It is possible to increase the accuracy of your responses by responding to questions within a specified time frame. One typical application is a quiz survey.




A Quiz Survey?

However, while surveys aren't just for finding out the opinions of people, they can also be a fantastic instrument to discover what people know. And using a 45 second timer increases their concentration on the subject. Too often, respondents don't respond to surveys by clicking on the extreme ratings; either the lowest, highest, or right down the middle. These responses are rarely useful. A timing feature can increase their engagement and full participation.

What's the benefit?

The biggest advantage of this feature is the ability to reduce drop out rates. As soon as the timer appears, respondents have to complete the survey. They are not able to leave the survey and return home.

Who do you know who uses this feature the most?

Market Researchers and people running Surveys of employee satisfaction. It is easier to collect accurate information if you require employees to take the survey within a given timeframe. They will not have time to think or alter their responses.

Timers for countdowns follow the trend of gaming

You've probably read our posts and you've probably noticed that we are a fan of Gamification. It's a means to make surveys more interesting and more enjoyable. Big companies are making use of games to get their fans and customers more involved , and mobile and online surveys have entered the game as well.