Why You Should Purchase An Account For League Of Legends Account


league of legends


League of Legends has gained a large population so far since its launch at the end of 2009, and has reached an astonishing 115 Million in terms of monthly players. Many players prefer to keep another LoL account. You can upgrade it or buy it from the store directly. The majority of people opt for the latter option. It is possible to ask the reason why people prefer buy pbe account league of legends. There are a few reasons.

Find More Champions

League of Legends accounts typically come with 20,000+BE. This means you can purchase the champions you're interested in, or utilize it to test new champions, which makes your LoL experience more fun.

Save Time or Level Up Faster

The minimum level is Level 30, which is the level required to play real LoL. Many players try to reach this level in order to compete on the ranked ladder. In general, one needs roughly 37,000 XP to reach level 30. And Normal games net around 200 XP per game, meaning you'll need to play around 200 games. They generally last for 30 minutes each. It takes almost 100 hours to achieve level 30. This is an enormous amount of time.

Play with Friends at Lower Ranks

If you have a group of friends who just started playing League of Legends Smurf and you would like to play together, buying a new account is definitely a good option. It is likely that you will be able to play in higher-ranked games when your primary account is used. The beginner in your group may not want this. A non-ranked account can allow your friend to play with and make it more enjoyable for you to feel like a king.


You Lost Your Main Account

A new account purchase can be a great option if you have lost your primary account. It is possible that we will get a lesson from the ban however, we aren't sure how long or if our account will be restored. It shouldn't be a reason that holds you off playing your favourite game. What are you going to do? Start a new account, only to take months to climb the ladder all over again? You can buy a League of Legends account directly.

We hope that the benefits discussed here will help you discover the reasons the reasons why people are more likely to buy League of Legends Smurf. Handleveled is a great alternative if you're planning to buy one. There are numerous accounts in inventory. We also offer Wild Rift accounts, along with unranked and ranked accounts. Lifetime Guarantee, Speedy Delivery and a low price are the main reasons you should pick us as the LoL Accounts' first buying choice. We have a solid reputation due to our more than 15 years of gaming industry experience. You can see a lot of positive feedbacks from our players by checking out Handleveled Reviews.